Given the following class interface file.
// File : cstring.h
// Declare a "CString" data type.
// Note: Couldn't use String.h as name because we include
// ANSI C's string.h, and some systems (such as MS-DOS)
// do not differentiate between uppercase and lowercase
// letters in file names.
#pragma interface
#ifndef CSTRING_H // Make sure file is included only once
#define CSTRING_H
#ifndef bool
enum bool { false, true };
#include // for size_t type
#include // for ANSI C string library
#include types.h>
#define MAXLEN 256
class CSubstring;
class CString
/ Constructor
CString( const size_t );
CString( const char *);
CString( const CString& );
CString( const char *, const size_t );
CString( const CString&, const size_t );
// Destructor
~CString() { delete s; }
// Overloaded operators
// CString equality operator. Returns nonzero if strings
// are equal
bool operator==(const CString& str) const
// Use ANSI C's strcmp() function to compare the
// strings. Remember strcmp() returns 0 if strings
// match, but this function has to return non-zero
// for a match
return( (strcmp( str.s, s ) ? false : true) );
// CString equality operator. Returns nonzero if string
// and pointer to char are equal
bool operator==(const char *str) const
// Use ANSI C's strcmp() function to compare the
// strings. Remember strcmp() returns 0 if strings
// match, but this function has to return non-zero
// for a match
return( (strcmp( str, s ) ? false : true ) );
// CString less than operator. Returns nonzero if string 1
// is less than string 2
bool operator<(const CString& str) const
// Use ANSI C's strcmp() function to compare the
// strings. Remember strcmp() returns 0 if strings
// match, but this function has to return non-zero
// for a match
return( (strcmp( str.s, s ) < 0 ? true : false ) );
// CString greater than operator. Returns nonzero if string1
// is greater than string2
bool operator>(const CString& str) const
// Use ANSI C's strcmp() function to compare the
// strings. Remember strcmp() returns 0 if strings
// match, but this function has to return non-zero
// for a match
return( (strcmp( str.s, s ) > 0 ? true : false) );
// CString less than or equal to operator. Returns nonzero if
// string1 is less than or equal to string2
bool operator<=(const CString& str) const
// Use ANSI C's strcmp() function to compare the
// strings. Remember strcmp() returns 0 if strings
// match, but this function has to return non-zero
// for a match
return( (strcmp( str.s, s ) <= 0 ? true : false ) );
// CString greater than or equal to operator. Returns
// nonzero if string1 is greater than or equal to string2.
bool operator>=(const CString& str) const
// Use ANSI C's strcmp() function to compare the
// strings. Remember strcmp() returns 0 if strings
// match, but this function has to return non-zero
// for a match
return( (strcmp( str.s, s ) >= 0 ? true : false ) );
// CString not equal to operator. Returns nonzero if string1
// is not equal to
bool operator!=(const CString& str) const
// Use ANSI C's strcmp() function to compare the
// strings. Remember strcmp() returns 0 if strings
// match, but this function has to return non-zero
// for a match
return( (strcmp( str.s, s ) != 0 ? true : false ) );
// CString not equal to operator. Returns nonzero if string1
// is not equal to
bool operator!=( const char *str ) const
return( (strcmp( str, s) != 0 ? true : false ));
// Assignment operator
CString& operator=(const CString&);
CString& operator=(const char *);
CString& operator=(const char);
// Type conversion operator from CString to char *
operator const char*() const { return s; }
// The += operator concatenates and assigns
CString& operator+=(const CString& );
CString& operator+=(const char* );
CString& operator+=(const char );
// The + operator concatenates strings
friend CString operator+(char *, CString& );
friend CString operator+(CString&, CString& );
friend CString operator+(CString&, char *);
// Access operator
char& operator[](int index);
// resize of string
CString& resize(unsigned );
// return string content as char *
char *getContent()
return s;
// Function giving access to internal variable
size_t length( void ) const { return ( len ); }
// Function to print a CString
void print( ostream& os ) const;
void print( void ) const;
// Function to access a character in a CString
char& char_at_pos( int );
// Replace a portion of a string with another
// Used to insert or delete parts of a string
CString& replace( size_t pos, size_t len, const char* s);
// operator ()
// Overload the function call operator to return a
// CSubstring
CSubstring operator()( size_t pos, size_t len );
// Internal data members of this class
char *s; // pointer to allocated space
size_t len; // current length of string
size_t maxlen; // numbers of bytes allocated
size_t sizeIncr; // increment on resize
// Stream I/O operators for CString class
// #include
ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, CString& str);
istream& operator>>(istream& is, CString& str);
// Declare the Substring class
class CSubstring : public CString
friend CString;// Give the CString class access to this class
// CSubstring operators ...
CString& operator=( const char* str )
return s_original.replace( pos, len, str );
CString& operator=( CSubstring& s1 )
return s_original.replace( pos, len, s1.s );
CString& s_original; // Reference to original CString
size_t pos; // Position of Substring in CString
// CSubstring constructor
CSubstring( CString& s1, const char *cs, size_t pos1
, size_t len1 )
: CString(cs, len1), s_original(s1), pos( pos1 ) {}
// CSubstring copy constructor
CSubstring( const CSubstring& s1) : CString( s1 ),
s_original( s1.s_original) , pos( s1.pos ) {}
Develop the following operator overload functions:
1. CString equality operator. Returns 'true' if strings
are equal and 'false' if not.
2. CString equality operator. Returns 'true' if string
and pointer to char are equal and 'false' if not.
3. CString less than operator. Returns 'true' if string 1
is less than string 2 and 'false' if not.
4. CString greater than operator. Returns 'true' if
string1 is greater than string2 and 'false' if not.
5. CString less than or equal to operator. Returns 'true'
if string1 is less than or equal to string2 and 'false'
if not.
6. CString greater than or equal to operator. Returns
'true' if string1 is greater than or equal to string2
and 'false' if not.
7. CString not equal to operator. Returns 'true' if
string1 is not equal to and 'false' if not.
8. CString not equal to operator. Returns 'true' if
string1 is not equal to string2 and 'false' if not.
9. CString& operator=(const CString&);
CString& operator=(const char *);
CString& operator=(const char);
// Type conversion operator from CString to char *
operator const char*() const { return s; }
// The += operator concatenates and assigns
CString& operator+=(const CString& );
CString& operator+=(const char* );
CString& operator+=(const char );
// The + operator concatenates strings
friend CString operator+(char *, CString& );
friend CString operator+(CString&, CString& );
friend CString operator+(CString&, char *);
// Access a single character operator
char& operator[](int index);
10. Develop a test program that tests all of the operator
overload functions of the CString class.