
plot a frame with scaling and grids. This function is obsolete.

Calling Sequence



:rect vector [xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax]. : :tics vector [nx,mx,ny,my] where mx, nx (resp. my, ny) are the

number of x-axis (resp. y-axis) intervals and subintervals.
: :arg_optX optional arguments up to three and chosen among.
:flags vector [wantgrids,findbounds] where wantgrids is a boolean
variable ( %t or %f) which indicates gridding. findbounds is a boolean variable. If findbounds is %t, the bounds given in rect are allowed to be slightly modified (in fact always increased) in order to have simpler graduations: then tics(2) and tics(4) are ignored.
: :Captions vector of 3 strings [title,x-leg,y-leg] corresponding
respectively to the title of the plot and the captions on the x-axis and the y-axis. Warning: the upper-case “C” is important.
: :subwin a vector of size 4 defining the sub window. The sub window
is specified with the parameter subwin=[x,y,w,h] (upper-left, width, height). The values in subwin are specified using proportion of the width or height of the current graphics window (see xsetech).


: :<opts_args> This represents a sequence of statements
key1=value1, key2=value2 ,... where key1, key2,... can be one of the following: tics, flags, captions ou subwin. These arguments have the same meaning as the ones used in the first form of the routine.



plotframe is used with 2D plotting functions plot2d, plot2d1,... to set a graphics frame. It must be used before plot2d which should be invoked with the “000” superposition mode.

This function is obsolete.


tics=[4,10,2,5];    //4 x-intervals and 2 y-intervals
plotframe(rect,tics,[%f,%f],["My plot","x","y"],[0,0,0.5,0.5])
plotframe(rect,tics=tics,flags=[%t,%f],Captions=["My plot with grids","x","y"],subwin=[0.5,0,0.5,0.5])
["My plot with grids and automatic bounds","x","y"],[0,0.5,0.5,0.5])
          Captions=["My plot without grids but with automatic bounds ","x","y"],..

See Also

  • plot2d 2D plot
  • graduate Pretty axis graduations
  • xsetech set the sub-window of a graphics window for plotting

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