Cumulated Distribution Functions
- cdfbet cumulative distribution function Beta distribution
- cdfbin cumulative distribution function Binomial distribution
- cdfchi cumulative distribution function chi-square distribution
- cdfchn cumulative distribution function non-central chi-square distribution
- cdff cumulative distribution function F distribution
- cdffnc cumulative distribution function non-central f-distribution
- cdfgam cumulative distribution function gamma distribution
- cdfnbn cumulative distribution function negative binomial distribution
- cdfnor cumulative distribution function normal distribution
- cdfpoi cumulative distribution function poisson distribution
- cdft cumulative distribution function Student’s T distribution
- nancumsum Thos function returns the cumulative sum of the values of a matrix
- nand2mean difference of the means of two independent samples
- nanmax max (ignoring Nan’s)
- nanmean mean (ignoring Nan’s)
- nanmeanf mean (ignoring Nan’s) with a given frequency.
- nanmedian median of the values of a numerical vector or matrix
- nanmin min (ignoring Nan’s)
- nanstdev standard deviation (ignoring the NANs).
- nansum Sum of values ignoring NAN’s
- thrownan Eliminates nan values
- center center
- correl correlation of two variables
- covar covariance of two variables
- median median (row median, column median,...) of vector/matrix/array entries
- msd mean squared deviation
- mvvacov computes variance-covariance matrix
- st_deviation standard deviation (row or column-wise) of vector/matrix entries
- stdevf standard deviation
- variance variance of the values of a vector or matrix
- variancef standard deviation of the values of a vector or matrix
- wcenter center and weight
- regress regression coefficients of two variables