- m2sci_abs Absolute value and complex magnitude
- m2sci_acos Inverse cosine
- m2sci_acosh Inverse hyperbolic cosine
- m2sci_acot Inverse cotangent
- m2sci_acoth Inverse hyperbolic cotangent
- m2sci_acsc Inverse cosecant
- m2sci_acsch Inverse hyperbolic cosecant
- m2sci_all Test to determine if all elements are nonzero
- m2sci_angle Phase angle
- m2sci_any Test to determine if any nonzeros elements
- m2sci_asec Inverse secant
- m2sci_asech Inverse hyperbolic secant
- m2sci_asin Inverse sine
- m2sci_asinh Inverse hyperbolic sine
- m2sci_atan Two-quadrant inverse tangent
- m2sci_atan2 Four-quadrant inverse tangent
- m2sci_atanh Inverse hyperbolic tangent
- m2sci_balance Diagonal scaling to improve eigenvalue accuracy
- m2sci_bar Bar histogram
- m2sci_barh Bar histogram horizontal
- m2sci_beep Produce a beep sound
- m2sci_besseli Modified Bessel functions of the first kind
- m2sci_besselj Bessel functions of the first kind
- m2sci_besselk Modified Bessel functions of the second kind
- m2sci_bessely Bessel functions of the second kind
- m2sci_beta Beta function
- m2sci_bin2dec Returns the integer corresponding to a Given binary representation
- m2sci_bitand The AND of two integers
- m2sci_bitcmp The binary complementary of an integer
- m2sci_bitget Gets the bit of an integer whose the positon is given in the input argument
- m2sci_bitor The OR of two integers
- m2sci_bitxor Returns the exclusive OR of two integers
- m2sci_blanks A string of blanks
- m2sci_box Display axes border
- m2sci_break Terminate execution of a for loop or while loop
- m2sci_case Case switch
- m2sci_cat Arrays concatenation
- m2sci_cd Change/get working directory
- m2sci_ceil Round up
- m2sci_cell Create cell array
- m2sci_cell2mat Convert a cell array into a matrix
- m2sci_cellstr Convert strings vector (or strings matrix) into a cell of strings
- m2sci_chol Cholesky factorization
- m2sci_cla Clear current axes
- m2sci_clc Clear Command Window
- m2sci_clear Remove items from workspace, freeing up system memory
- m2sci_clf Clear current figure window
- m2sci_clock Current time as a date vector
- m2sci_close Delete specified figure
- m2sci_closereq Default figure close request function
- m2sci_colordef Set default property values to display different color schemes
- m2sci_complex Returns the complex form corresponding to the given real part and imaginary part
- m2sci_continue Keyword to pass control to the next iteration of a loop
- m2sci_conv 1-D Convolution
- m2sci_conv2 2-D Convolution
- m2sci_cos Cosine
- m2sci_cosh Hyperbolic cosine
- m2sci_cot Cotangent
- m2sci_coth Hyperbolic cotangent
- m2sci_cputime Elapsed CPU time
- m2sci_csc Cosecant
- m2sci_csch Hyperbolic cosecant
- m2sci_cumprod Cumulative product
- m2sci_cumsum Cumulative sum
- m2sci_conj Complex conjugate
- m2sci_date Current date string
- m2sci_dec2bin The binary representation of a decimal number
- m2sci_dec2hex Decimal to hexadecimal number conversion
- m2sci_delete Delete files or graphics objects
- m2sci_det Determinant
- m2sci_diag Diagonal including or extracting
- m2sci_diary Save session to a file
- m2sci_diff Differences and approximate derivatives
- m2sci_dir Display directory listing
- m2sci_disp Display text or array
- m2sci_display Overloaded method to display an object
- m2sci_doc Display online documentation
- m2sci_docopt Web browser for UNIX platforms
- m2sci_dos Execute a UNIX command and return result
- m2sci_double Conversion to double precision
- m2sci_drawnow Complete pending drawing events
- m2sci_echo Echo lines during execution
- m2sci_eig Find eigenvalues and eigenvectors
- m2sci_else Conditionally execute statements
- m2sci_elseif Conditionally execute statements
- m2sci_erf Error function
- m2sci_erfc Complementary error function
- m2sci_erfcx Scaled complementary error function
- m2sci_error Display error messages
- m2sci_etime Elapsed time
- m2sci_eval Execute a string containing an instruction/expression
- m2sci_exist Check if a variable or file exists
- m2sci_exit Ends current session
- m2sci_exp Exponential
- m2sci_expm Matrix exponential
- m2sci_eye Identity matrix
- m2sci_factor Prime numbers decomposition
- m2sci_false False array
- m2sci_fclose Close one or more open files
- m2sci_feof Test for end-of-file
- m2sci_ferror Query about errors in file input or output
- m2sci_feval Function evaluation
- m2sci_fft Discrete Fourier transform
- m2sci_fftshift Shift zero-frequency component of discrete Fourier transform to center of spectrum
- m2sci_fgetl Read line(s) from file, discard newline character
- m2sci_fgets Read line from file, keep newline character
- m2sci_fileparts Return filename parts
- m2sci_filesep Return the directory separator for this platform
- m2sci_find Find indices and values of nonzero elements
- m2sci_findstr Find one string within another
- m2sci_fix Round towards zero
- m2sci_fliplr Flip matrix in left/right direction
- m2sci_flipud Flip matrix in up/down direction
- m2sci_floor Round down
- m2sci_fopen Open a file or obtain information about open files
- m2sci_for Repeat statements a specific number of times
- m2sci_format Control display format for output
- m2sci_fprintf Write formatted data to file
- m2sci_fread Read binary data to a file
- m2sci_frewind Move the file position indicator to the beginning of an open file
- m2sci_fscanf Read formatted data to file
- m2sci_fseek Set file position indicator
- m2sci_ftell Get file position indicator
- m2sci_full Convert sparse matrix to full matrix
- m2sci_fullfile Build a full filename from parts
- m2sci_function Function definition
- m2sci_fwrite Write binary data to a file
- m2sci_gamma Gamma function
- m2sci_gammaln Logarithm of gamma function
- m2sci_getenv Get environment variable
- m2sci_global Define a global variable
- m2sci_graymon Set graphics defaults for gray-scale monitors
- m2sci_grid Grid lines for two- and three-dimensional plots
- m2sci_hankel Hankel matrix
- m2sci_help Display help
- m2sci_helpdesk Display Help browser
- m2sci_helpwin Provide access to and display help for all functions
- m2sci_hess Hessenberg form of a matrix
- m2sci_hold Hold current graph
- m2sci_home Move the cursor to the upper left corner of the Command Window
- m2sci_horzcat Horizontal concatenation
- m2sci_helpbrowser Display Help browser for access to full online documentation
- m2sci_if Conditionally execute statements
- m2sci_ifft Inverse discrete Fourier transform
- m2sci_imag Complex imaginary part
- m2sci_input Request user input
- m2sci_int16 Convert to 16-bit signed integer
- m2sci_int32 Convert to 32-bit signed integer
- m2sci_int8 Convert to 8-bit signed integer
- m2sci_interp1 One_dimension interpolation function
- m2sci_inv Matrix inverse
- m2sci_isa Detect an object of a given type
- m2sci_iscell Determine if input is a cell array
- m2sci_ischar Determine if item is a character array
- m2sci_isdir Determine if item is a directory
- m2sci_isempty True for empty matrix
- m2sci_isequal Determine if arrays are numerically equal
- m2sci_isfield Determine if input is a structure array field
- m2sci_isfinite True for finite elements
- m2sci_isglobal Determine if item is a global variable
- m2sci_ishandle Determines if values are valid graphics object handles
- m2sci_ishold Return hold state
- m2sci_isinf True for infinite elements
- m2sci_isinteger Detect whether an array has integer data type
- m2sci_isletter True for letters of the alphabet
- m2sci_islogical Determine if item is a logical array
- m2sci_isnan Detect NaN elements of an array
- m2sci_isnumeric Determine if input is a numeric array
- m2sci_ispc Determine if PC (Windows) version
- m2sci_isreal Determine if all array elements are real numbers
- m2sci_isscalar Determine if input is scalar
- m2sci_isspace Detect elements that are ASCII white spaces
- m2sci_isstr Determine if item is a character array
- m2sci_isstruct Determine if input is a structure array
- m2sci_isunix Determine if Unix version
- m2sci_isvector Determine if input is a vector
- m2sci_issparse Test if matrix is sparse
- m2sci_keyboard Invoke the keyboard in a file
- m2sci_kron Kronecker tensor product
- m2sci_length Length of vector
- m2sci_linspace Linearly spaced vector
- m2sci_load Load workspace variables from disk
- m2sci_log Natural logarithm
- m2sci_log10 Common (base 10) logarithm
- m2sci_log2 Base 2 logarithm and dissect floating point number
- m2sci_logical Convert numeric values to logical
- m2sci_lookfor Search for specified keyword in all help entries
- m2sci_lower Convert string to lower case
- m2sci_lu LU matrix factorization
- m2sci_max Maximum
- m2sci_min Minimum
- m2sci_mkdir Make new folder
- m2sci_mod Modulus after division
- m2sci_more Display Command Window output one screenful at a time
- m2sci_nargin Number of function input arguments
- m2sci_nargout Number of function output arguments
- m2sci_ndims Number of array dimensions
- m2sci_norm Vector and matrix norms
- m2sci_num2str Number to string conversion
- m2sci_ones Create an array of all ones
- m2sci_otherwise Default part of switch/select statement
- m2sci_pause Halt execution temporarily
- m2sci_addition Plus
- m2sci_and Logical AND
- m2sci_colon Colon
- m2sci_elementwise_left_division Elementwise left division
- m2sci_elementwise_multiplication Elementwise multiplication
- m2sci_elementwise_power Elementwise exponent
- m2sci_elementwise_right_division Elementwise right division
- m2sci_elementwise_transpose Elementwise transpose
- m2sci_equal Equal to
- m2sci_great Greater than
- m2sci_great_equal Greater or equal to
- m2sci_left_division Left division
- m2sci_less Smaller than
- m2sci_less_equal Smaller or equal to
- m2sci_multiplication Multiplication
- m2sci_not Negation
- m2sci_not_equal Not equal to
- m2sci_or Logical OR
- m2sci_power Exponent
- m2sci_right_division Right division
- m2sci_substraction Minus
- m2sci_transpose Transpose
- m2sci_perms Array of all permutations of vector components
- m2sci_permute Permute the dimensions of an array
- m2sci_pie circular graphic
- m2sci_plot Linear 2-D plot
- m2sci_pow2 Base 2 power and scale floating-point numbers
- m2sci_primes Returns the primes numbers included between 1 and given number
- m2sci_prod Product of array elements
- m2sci_qr Orthogonal-triangular decomposition
- m2sci_quit Terminate session
- m2sci_rand Uniformly distributed random numbers and arrays
- m2sci_randn Normally distributed random numbers and arrays
- m2sci_rcond Matrix reciprocal condition number estimate
- m2sci_real Real part of a complex number
- m2sci_realmax Largest positive floating-point number
- m2sci_realmin Smallest positive floating-point number
- m2sci_rem Remainder after division
- m2sci_repmat Replicate and tile an array
- m2sci_reshape Reshape array
- m2sci_return Return to the invoking function
- m2sci_round Round to nearest integer
- m2sci_save Save workspace variables from disk
- m2sci_schur Schur decomposition
- m2sci_setstr Set string flag
- m2sci_sign Signum function
- m2sci_sin Sine
- m2sci_sinh Hyperbolic sine
- m2sci_size Array dimension
- m2sci_sort Sort elements in ascending order
- m2sci_sparse Create sparse matrix
- m2sci_sqrt Square root
- m2sci_strcmp Compare strings
- m2sci_strcmpi Compare strings ignoring case
- m2sci_strfind Find one string within another
- m2sci_strrep String search and replace
- m2sci_struct Create struct array
- m2sci_sum Sum of array elements
- m2sci_surf 3-D surface plot
- m2sci_svd Singular value decomposition
- m2sci_switch Switch among several cases based on expression
- m2sci_tan Tangent
- m2sci_tanh Hyperbolic tangent
- m2sci_tic Starts a stopwatch timer
- m2sci_title Display a title on a graphic window
- m2sci_toc Read the stopwatch timer
- m2sci_toeplitz Toeplitz matrix
- m2sci_tril Lower triangular part of a matrix
- m2sci_triu Upper triangular part of a matrix
- m2sci_true True array
- m2sci_type List file
- m2sci_uigetdir Standard dialog box for selecting a directory
- m2sci_uint16 Convert to 16-bit unsigned integer
- m2sci_uint32 Convert to 32-bit unsigned integer
- m2sci_uint8 Convert to 8-bit unsigned integer
- m2sci_unix Execute a UNIX command and return result
- m2sci_upper Convert string to upper case
- m2sci_varargin Pass variable numbers of arguments
- m2sci_varargout Return variable numbers of arguments
- m2sci_vertcat Vertical concatenation
- m2sci_waitforbuttonpress Wait for key or mouse button press
- m2sci_warning Display warning messages
- m2sci_while Repeat statements an indefinite number of times
- m2sci_who List variables in the workspace
- m2sci_whos List variables in the workspace
- m2sci_winqueryreg Get item from Microsoft Windows registry
- m2sci_xlabel Display a string along the x axis
- m2sci_ylabel Display a string along the y axis
- m2sci_zlabel Display a string along the z axis
- m2sci_zeros Create an array of all zeros