- assert_overview An overview of the Assert module.
- assert_checkalmostequal Check that computed and expected are numerically close.
- assert_checkequal Check that computed and expected are equal.
- assert_checkerror Check that an instruction produces the expected error.
- assert_checkfalse Check that condition is false.
- assert_checkfilesequal Check that two files are equal.
- assert_checktrue Check that condition is true.
- assert_comparecomplex Compare complex numbers with a tolerance.
- assert_computedigits Returns the number of significant digits in computed result.
- assert_cond2reltol Suggests a relative error, computed from the condition number.
- assert_cond2reqdigits Suggests the number of required digits, given the condition number.
- assert_generror Generates an error.
bench_run Launch benchmark tests
example_run Launch the examples found in help pages.
test_run Launch tests
user interfacing a Fortran or C routine