load a saved graphics
:file_name string, name of the file. : :win_num integer, the graphics window number. If not given, the
current graphics window is used.
xload reloads the graphics contained in the file file_name in the graphics window win_num.
Since Scilab 5.0, all uimenu or uicontrol handles are also loaded.
For files containing graphics, the load function can be used instead of xload. xload does not restore the window number, the window size nor the window dimensions.
`xsave`_(TMPDIR + "/foo.scg", `gcf`_())
xload(TMPDIR + "/foo.scg")
curve=a.children.children; //handle on the curve
`save`_(TMPDIR + "/foo.scg", "curve")
`load`_(TMPDIR + "/foo.scg")