save graphics into a file
:file_name string, name of the file. : :win_num integer, the graphics window number. If not given, the
current graphics window is used.
xsave saves the graphics contained in the graphics window win_num in the binary file file_name. and can be reloaded with xload.
Since Scilab 5.0, all uimenu or uicontrol handles are also saved.
For graphics xsave(file_name,win_num) use preferabily save(file_name,scf(win_num)).
xsave(TMPDIR + "/foo.scg", `gcf`_())
`xload`_(TMPDIR + "/foo.scg")
curve=a.children.children; //handle on the curve
`save`_(TMPDIR + "/foo.scg", "curve")
`load`_(TMPDIR + "/foo.scg")