Linear Algebra
- aff2ab linear (affine) function to A,b conversion
- balanc matrix or pencil balancing
- bdiag block diagonalization, generalized eigenvectors
- chol Cholesky factorization
- classmarkov recurrent and transient classes of Markov matrix
- cmb_lin symbolic linear combination
- coff resolvent (cofactor method)
- colcomp column compression, kernel, nullspace
- companion companion matrix
- cond condition number
- det determinant
- eigenmarkov normalized left and right Markov eigenvectors
- ereduc computes matrix column echelon form by qz transformations
- expm square matrix exponential
- fstair computes pencil column echelon form by qz transformations
- fullrf full rank factorization
- fullrfk full rank factorization of A^k
- genmarkov generates random markov matrix with recurrent and
transient classes
- givens Givens transformation
- glever inverse of matrix pencil
- gschur generalized Schur form (obsolete).
- gspec eigenvalues of matrix pencil (obsolete)
- hess Hessenberg form
- householder Householder orthogonal reflexion matrix
- im_inv inverse image
- inv matrix inverse
- kernel kernel, nullspace
- kroneck Kronecker form of matrix pencil
- linsolve linear equation solver
- lsq linear least square problems.
- lu LU factorization with pivoting
- lyap Lyapunov equation
- nlev Leverrier’s algorithm
- orth orthogonal basis
- pbig eigen-projection
- pencan canonical form of matrix pencil
- penlaur Laurent coefficients of matrix pencil
- pinv pseudoinverse
- polar polar form
- proj projection
- projspec spectral operators
- psmall spectral projection
- qr QR decomposition
- quaskro quasi-Kronecker form
- randpencil random pencil
- range range (span) of A^k
- rank rank
- rankqr rank revealing QR factorization
- rcond inverse condition number
- rowcomp row compression, range
- rowshuff shuffle algorithm
- rref computes matrix row echelon form by lu transformations
- schur [ordered] Schur decomposition of matrix and pencils
- spaninter subspace intersection
- spanplus sum of subspaces
- spantwo sum and intersection of subspaces
- spec eigenvalues of matrices and pencils
- sqroot W*W’ hermitian factorization
- squeeze squeeze
- sva singular value approximation
- svd singular value decomposition
- sylv Sylvester equation.
- trace trace