- `complex`_ Create a complex number.
- imag imaginary part
- imult multiplication by i the imaginary unitary
- isreal check if a variable has real or complex entries
- real real part
- diag diagonal including or extracting
- eye identity matrix
- ind2sub linear index to matrix subscript values
- linspace linearly spaced vector
- logspace logarithmically spaced vector
- meshgrid create matrices or 3-D arrays
- ndgrid arrays for multidimensional function evaluation on grid
- ones matrix made of ones
- rand Random numbers
- sub2ind matrix subscript values to linear index
- zeros matrix made of zeros
- ceil round up
- double conversion from integer to double precision representation
- fix round towards zero
- floor round down
- format number printing and display format
- frexp dissect floating-point numbers into base 2 exponent and mantissa
- ieee set floating point exception mode
- int round towards zero
- isinf check for infinite entries
- isnan check for “Not a Number” entries
- nearfloat get previous or next floating-point number
- nextpow2 next higher power of 2.
- number_properties determine floating-point parameters
- round round to nearest integer
- base2dec convert from base b to decimal
- bin2dec convert from binary to decimal
- dec2base Convert decimal to base N number in string
- dec2bin convert from decimal to binary
- dec2hex convert from decimal to hexadecimal
- dec2oct convert from decimal to octal
- hex2dec convert from hexadecimal to decimal
- oct2dec convert from octal to decimal
- flipdim flip x components along a given dimension
- matrix reshape a vector or a matrix to a different size matrix
- permute permute the dimensions of an array
- repmat Replicate and tile an array
- resize_matrix create a new matrix with a different size
- dsearch search in ordered sets
- gsort sorting by quick sort agorithm
- lex_sort lexicographic matrix rows sorting
- vectorfind finds in a matrix rows or columns matching a vector
- bloc2exp Conversion of a block-diagram to its symbolic expression
- bloc2ss block-diagram to state-space conversion
- pen2ea pencil to E,A conversion
- ssrand random system generator
- sysconv system conversion
- sysdiag block diagonal system connection
- syslin linear system definition
- trfmod poles and zeros display
- acos element wise cosine inverse (radians)
- acosd element wise cosine inverse, result in degree.
- acosh hyperbolic cosine inverse
- acoshm matrix hyperbolic inverse cosine
- acosm matrix wise cosine inverse
- acot computes the element-wise inverse cotangeant of the argument.
- acotd computes the element-wise inverse cotangeant of the argument, result in degree.
- acoth element wise hyperbolic cotangeant inverse.
- acsc computes the element-wise inverse cosecant of the argument.
- acscd computes the element-wise inverse cosecant of the argument, results in degree.
- acsch computes the element-wise inverse hyperbolic cosecant of the argument.
- asec computes the element-wise inverse secant of the argument.
- asecd computes the element-wise inverse secant of the argument, results in degree.
- asech computes the element-wise inverse hyperbolic secant of the argument.
- asin sine inverse (radians)
- asind sine inverse, results in degree
- asinh hyperbolic sine inverse
- asinhm matrix hyperbolic inverse sine
- asinm matrix wise sine inverse
- atan 2-quadrant and 4-quadrant inverse tangent
- atand 2-quadrant and 4-quadrant element-wise inverse tangent, result in degree.
- atanh hyperbolic tangent inverse
- atanhm matrix hyperbolic tangent inverse
- atanm square matrix tangent inverse
- conj conjugate
- cos cosine function
- cosd element-wise cosine function, argument in degree
- cosh hyperbolic cosine
- coshm matrix hyperbolic cosine
- cosm matrix cosine function
- cotd element-wise cotangent function, argument in degree
- cotg cotangent
- coth hyperbolic cotangent
- cothm matrix hyperbolic cotangent
- csc Computes the element-wise cosecant of the argument.
- cscd Computes the element-wise cosecant of the argument given in degree.
- csch Computes the element-wise hyperbolic cosecant of the argument.
- csgn Returns the sign of a vector of real of complex values.
- sec Compute the element-wise secant of the argument.
- secd Compute the element-wise secant of the argument given in degree.
- sech Compute the element-wise hyperbolic secant of the argument.
- sin sine function
- sinc sinc function
- sind sine function, argument in degree.
- sinh hyperbolic sine
- sinhm matrix hyperbolic sine
- sinm matrix sine function
- tan tangent
- tand tangent, argument in degree.
- tanh hyperbolic tangent
- tanhm matrix hyperbolic tangent
- tanm matrix tangent
abs absolute value, magnitude
amell Jacobi’s am function
and logical AND of the elements of an array
and_op logical AND operator
cat concatenate several arrays
cell2mat converts a cell array into a matrix
cellstr converts strings vector (or strings matrix) into a cell array of strings
char converts in a character array
delip complete and incomplete elliptic integral of first kind
diff Difference and discrete derivative
isdef checks variable existence
isempty check if a variable is an empty matrix or an empty list
isequal objects comparison
isequalbitwise bitwise comparison of variables
isvector check if a variable is a vector
lstsize list, tlist, mlist numbers of entries
max maximum
min minimum
modulo positive arithmetic remainder modulo m
ndims number of dimensions of an array
norm matrix norm
nthroot Real nth root of real numbers
or logical OR of the elements of an array
or_op logical OR operator
percenteps epsilon (floating-point relative accuracy)
percenti imaginary unit
percentinf infinity
percentnan not-a-number
percentpi ratio of circle’s circumference to its diameter
pertrans simultaneous permutation and transposition
sign signum function
signm matrix signum function
size size of objects
sqrt square root
sqrtm matrix square root
squarewave generates a square wave with period 2*%pi
toeplitz Toeplitz matrix